O'Malley in New Hampshire
In an effort to boost his chances of gaining the nod to be the Vice-Presidential running mate, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley spent this weekend stumping in New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton. After last week's disappointing showing in Iowa for Mrs. Clinton, O'Malley became despondent and reclusive. However, some members of the Baltimore Orioles came to his rescue and injected him with some steroids and human growth hormones and got him back on his feet. Reports indicate that Barbara Mikulski was also there, but since no one looked at their shoes, no one saw her.
During the day O'Malley was seen in a tavern in Manchester, New Hampshire shaking hands and telling everyone how attractive he is. Later in the evening he was seen with Mrs. Clinton. This time O'Malley was seen on all fours wearing items borrowed from Steny Hoyer - a black leather spiked collar, a mouth gag, open-backed leather chaps, and being drawn by Mrs. Clinton herself by a 5 foot long linked chain. Despite the showing, polls are indicating that Barack Hussein Obama now has a double-digit lead over the unlikable Clinton.
Mike Miller vs. Nancy Grasmick
In other Maryland news, Maryland State Senate President Mike Miller is crying foul in regard to Nancy Grasmick. He is demanding she do "the honorable" thing and resign. He claims that the independent State School Board is too independent and would better serve the residents of the state of Maryland if they were struck with constant fear and would bend to the will of the Democratic machine in Annapolis. He and Mike Busch are proposing new legislation that would add the appointment of the State Schools Superintendent to their dominion.
Miller, who once said of Republicans, "We're going to bury them face down in the ground, and it'll be 10 years before they crawl out again" is now applying his threat to any obstacle that gets in his way to total power. If I'm not mistaken, Hitler said and did the same kinds of things.
In an effort to boost his chances of gaining the nod to be the Vice-Presidential running mate, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley spent this weekend stumping in New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton. After last week's disappointing showing in Iowa for Mrs. Clinton, O'Malley became despondent and reclusive. However, some members of the Baltimore Orioles came to his rescue and injected him with some steroids and human growth hormones and got him back on his feet. Reports indicate that Barbara Mikulski was also there, but since no one looked at their shoes, no one saw her.
During the day O'Malley was seen in a tavern in Manchester, New Hampshire shaking hands and telling everyone how attractive he is. Later in the evening he was seen with Mrs. Clinton. This time O'Malley was seen on all fours wearing items borrowed from Steny Hoyer - a black leather spiked collar, a mouth gag, open-backed leather chaps, and being drawn by Mrs. Clinton herself by a 5 foot long linked chain. Despite the showing, polls are indicating that Barack Hussein Obama now has a double-digit lead over the unlikable Clinton.
In other Maryland news, Maryland State Senate President Mike Miller is crying foul in regard to Nancy Grasmick. He is demanding she do "the honorable" thing and resign. He claims that the independent State School Board is too independent and would better serve the residents of the state of Maryland if they were struck with constant fear and would bend to the will of the Democratic machine in Annapolis. He and Mike Busch are proposing new legislation that would add the appointment of the State Schools Superintendent to their dominion.
Miller, who once said of Republicans, "We're going to bury them face down in the ground, and it'll be 10 years before they crawl out again" is now applying his threat to any obstacle that gets in his way to total power. If I'm not mistaken, Hitler said and did the same kinds of things.
Aww man. I was hoping you would dig dipper into the debates this weekend. No fear, I’ll start my own commentary for you. Hopefully, I won’t sway your readers into a more liberal way of thinking. :-)
Though I was unable to watch the debates in their entirely, I’ve been catching up on all the highlights from both events. (Thank God for Youtube)
Okay so the official quote of the night has to be Hilary’s response to the question about her not being liked as much as other candidates, namely Barack “Born Again Christian” Obama. (Thanks! :-)
Hilary Clinton: It really hurts my feelings…
Translation…Show No Signs of Weakness!!! Bad Move Hilary. So If Al Quaeda comes in and blows up the White House, how will she respond? By crying and saying it’s a sad situation? Here’s my thing. Throughout the debate, she basically attacked the other candidates i.e. “the agents of change” and when she was asked why they were “liked more” she acted like a total wuss! Ugh! So disappointing…
Other “hilarity” with the Dems…
Edwards is such a bully. I love it!
Edwards: "I didn't hear these kinds of attacks from Senator Clinton when she was ahead," Edwards said. "Every time he speaks out for change, every time I fight for change, the forces of status quo are going to attack -- every single time."
On to the Repubs….
1. How much hairspray does Romney use? My goodness! His hair is almost perfect! Unlike his campaign tactics. LOL…Good luck with that one…
2. I think Guilaina is a freaking idiot? I mean like a new age ‘Emperor with no clothes”. Am I the only one that noticed how he totally avoided the question about him having a MISTRESS!! WHORE!!
Finally, I have something that I’m so ashamed to admit, but I must give props where there due…Drumroll please….
I ABSOLUTELY HEART RON PAUL!!!!! He is freakalackin amazing!! He should be in a party of his own. He’s too liberal to be a Republican and too…well the Democratic party is just confused at this point. He is a political fundamentalist and it’s clear he makes his Republican candidate counterparts very uncomfortable. (Love it! Drama!) Even though the likelihood of him winning the primaries and receiving backing from his party, he definitely make the preliminary Repub. events interesting.
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streiffatredstate ^at^ gmaildotcom
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