Tuesday, November 04, 2008

More Reasons To Question Obama

In case you're still thinking of voting for Socialism and casting that vote for Obama, here are a couple more things to think about:

1) Obama mentioned in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that he wants to shut down all of the coal companies and force them out of business. Why? Because next to all of the hot gas produced by politicians, burning coal is the second highest source of pollution.

I won't deny that fact. However, one thing Obama forgot to do when he opened his pie-hole was to check his facts. Whether you like it or not, coal is the #1 source of electricity in the United States. The Liberals forced the electric companies to stop using cheap and clean nuclear power in the late 70's and 80's. So if we shut down all of the coal fired power plants, we also shut down the source of most of our electricity. And if there is less electricity produced and the demand keeps rising, guess what that does to the prices? That causes the price to spike! Yes, despite government interventionist arguments from Harry Reid to the contrary, Supply and Demand does determine price.

And who digs up all that nasty coal? Oh, yeah. It's all those ignorant people in West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana who cling to their guns and religion. Why does the Democratic Party hate these people so much????

2) Obama and his Clintonesque cronies want to pass a wind-fall tax on the big oil companies. How will they determine what a wind-fall is? Is it a percentage of revenues? Is it all the money that the wind blows off from the top of the pile? Do Democrats realize what the oil companies will do when they pass this windfall tax? They will leave the country and/or do creative accounting to show that they made less money.

Another factor that Democrats forget is the old scientific fact that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. All of those people that have oil company stock in their retirement plans will suffer. The value of their retirement will be drastically diminished because no one will want to own stock in a company that has their profits confiscated by the government.

And why just attack the oil companies? Why not Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart makes BILLIONS of dollars each quarter, as well. I think if you pass a wind-fall tax on the oil companies, you should pass a wind-fall tax on Wal-Mart.

Democrats are stupid. They legislate with emotion rather than logic. But you have to give them credit. They never let the facts get in the way of bad legislation.

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