Sunday, November 09, 2008

Mock Election

I meant to post this earlier in the week but you know how time gets away from you.

On Monday my 6 year old son came home from school and said that they had an election at school. My BIL asked who he voted for. My son replied "John McCain". Sensing parental influence in his answer, my BIL asked for the reason he voted for John McCain. Proudly my son boasted, "Because Barack Obama wants to raise taxes." Needless to say, BIL was a bit stunned, though admiring of his answer.

Later that night I asked my daughter for whom she would have voted had she not missed school for illness. She paused, then said she didn't know. I asked why. "Because Barack Obama wants to raise taxes and John McCain wants to continue the war in Iraq."

How politically astute for a 9 year old? This girl is really thinking for herself. I am very proud of her.

Finally, I asked my 15 month old daughter who she voted for. She said, "Deedle-deedle-deedle-Bah!" I think this means Obama, because he is a deedle-deedle. We'll have to work on her a bit.

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