But how can a team that beat Georgia Tech earlier in the year, and the same team who played a close game with Mississippi last week, lose to the Mount? The Mount!!! I just don't understand. Maybe it was the crowd noise.
Fortunately, there were no fights, there were no ejections, no screaming, and no cursing at the officials. I think held my composure pretty well. And the players and coaches behaved well, too.
After the game, the mass of people filed out of the Knott Arena, which is just a little bit bigger than the Bel Air High School gymnasium, and headed home. We traversed through the metropolis of Emmitsburg, both acres of it. I didn't realize that Emmitsburg was so far out in the middle of nowhere. It took us over an hour to get there. Ugh. Getting up this morning was tough.
And I feel hung over, but all I had last night was a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese and a Diet Coke. Though I think the Quarter Pounder was made from deer meat, you know, the kind that you see in pictures of hunting magazines where little 8 year old girls are holding up the head of their latest kill? Awesome!
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