Do you ever feel disenfranchised by politics? Do you often feel that most politicians do not accurately represent your political views? You may be onto something. I have been studying politics for a while now and I have devised these bell-curve charts to show how politics actually is represented.
As anyone who has taken quantitative methods or statistics knows (which means all of you that attended Baltimore City public schools can stop reading right now), all populations fall into a bell curve. The larger the sample, the closer the population will fit into the bell curve.
As you would suppose, with the liberal school of thought on the left and the conservative school of thought on the right (and being correct, in addition to being right), most people will fall into the moderate category. The political party that represents the moderate middle??? None! There are some people who are close - John McCain, Joe Liebermann.

The liberal school of thought, however, thinks that most people are leftist thinking. We know this not to be true. Not everyone wants to spend the majority of their waking hours worrying over how to minimize their carbon imprint on nature.

The conservative school of thought, on the other hand, says that we need smaller governments and more religious freedom. At the same time, they want to expand the military, the government, and crack down on religious zealots that aren't Judeo-Christians.

The main-stream press (think not Fox) thinks that you fall into camp one or the other. There is no one in the middle. If you are a moderate, you are a fence sitter. You're wishy-washy. You have no principals. You need to open your eyes and join the left, which is actually the center.

Martin O'Malley, however, KNOWS that everyone in Maryland is a hard-left-wing liberal extremist and by voting him into office, he had a mandate to propose any wacky law that he wanted because it's for the children.
1 comment:
I like the addition of the pretty pictures. Perhaps this will boost your readership.
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