Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Jersey Endorses Crime Part II

As you may have read, New Jersey revoked the state's law that allows the death penalty. Good news for criminals! This law was signed by New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine.

However, should a Governor who sustained a recent head injury be passing such a liberal crime-tolerant law? Corzine, as you may remember, was critically injured when his driver swerved off of the road while travelling near 100 MPH and Corzine was not wearing his seat belt. Now he's passing laws favoring criminals. Yeah, this is the guy I want running my state. Psych!

Speaking of crazy governors, Martin O'Malley said he wants to tackle rising electricity rates. This is like de ja vu all over again. The last time he tackled electricity rates he stuck it to us with a 72% increase. I think I prefer that he stay out of it this time.

And speaking of crazy, Maryland Senate President Mike Miller said that citizens requesting that the Maryland General Assembly follow Maryland law is "bungled legal reasoning". A lawsuit was filed by the Maryland Republican Party outlining how the new tax package that sticks it to the middle class is unlawful.

First, the Maryland State Constitution prohibits revenue generating laws from being put to voter referendum. O'Malley and his jesters have put the Slots Bill to referendum (in November of 2008!) that will generate revenue for the state coffers. I'm sure that it will now be sold as an entertainment and freedom of choice law rather than a revenue generator.

Also cited in the lawsuit is that neither the House or the Senate can adjourn for more than 3 days without the approval of the other. The Maryland Senate adjourned for over a week when the House passed the bill. Mike Miller said this is "frivolous". I'm glad that these lawmakers have such a high respect for the laws that they pass. I guess what they mean is that they follow the spirit of the law, but only when it's convenient. At the other times, it would harm the children if we didn't make the tough decisions that Republicans are trying so hard to undo.

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