Friday, May 28, 2010

What Do You Do With a Drunk O'Malley?

It has been report that Martin O'Malley's 18 year old daughter was found unconscious near the Inner Harbor after attending a graduation party from Notre Dame High School. Tara O'Malley was transported to Harbor Hospital (God help her), treated, and released.

For all intents and purposes, we will call this "getting drunk" and "passing out".

For most people in the middle class who grew up in the suburbs, hearing that someone got drunk and passed out is not that big of a deal. In fact, it's probably more of a right of passage. Unfortunately for Tara, she's the Governor's daughter.

I wish no ill will on the O'Malley family. But I think this proves that they are human just like the rest of us. And like her father, Tara is prone to make mistakes. Let's hope that her mistakes are much less significant than her father's mistakes. And as the O'Malley's put it, let this be a "teachable moment".

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