However, when they did arrive there were the friendliest people I've met since I lived in South Carolina. Everyone said either 'hello' or 'good morning'. It was a nice change.
Her operation started about 8:30am. They told me it would last about an hour and a half, so go get some breakfast. And that I did. The cafeteria food actually looked pretty good. Or I was that hungry. I got the breakfast bar, which included eggs with ham and cheese, potato pancakes, sausage, and bacon and an orange juice for $6. Cheaper than Denny's!
I slowly ate, checked in on my kids and finally headed back after being away for 45 minutes. I then sat there for another hour and a half. Finally the doctor came out and said they were done. He took good care of her. We finally got out at 1:40pm. I had sat more or less in the waiting room for 7 hours. But I did manage to read 75 pages of East of Eden by John Steinbeck. Which, by the way, is a 600 page book. My progress has been slow.
One funny story - there was an older gentleman there to get surgery. He was there quite early. When they finally called him back the nurse asked if he had any valuables in his pocket. He reached in and pulled out something and asked, "Is this valuable?" I don't know what it was, but it made me laugh. Then he came back out about 30 seconds later to let his wife know he was going to get ready. Then he came back out about 2 minutes later to let his wife know that she could come back with him. I was totally expecting him to come back out and ask if Wheel of Fortune was on yet. I hope he is home doing well.
So today I'm home again helping out, but Mrs. Eludius is making good progress.
One thing that I need to mention, and would not have noticed this unless I had a wife who just had surgery in the car with me - the roads around Sinai SUCK!!! They're all bumpy and wrecked up. They need to do something about that! They should pass a beverage tax or something so that they can repair the roads!
So in summary - thank you to all of the hard-working friendly folks at Sinai!!!
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