When I got home I asked my son in an overly excited manner, "Overconfidus, do you want to go to an Orioles' game with me?" Overconfidus responded, "Not really. They suck."
I was caught a bit off-guard. Technically he is correct. In fact, my son is 8 1/2 years old and they've NEVER had a winning season during his entire life. How do they expect to make fans out of today's youngsters if they NEVER win?
So what strategy could I use to get him to go to the game with me? "They're playing the Kansas City Royals!" "Oh, I love Kansas City! I'll go!" Ugh. I just lured him to going to the game to cheer for the other team. Are the Orioles truly that bad? Sadly - yes. Owner Peter Angelos has made this the worst team in baseball nearly 12 years running.
The day was rainy and I wasn't sure if they'd be playing. When we arrived all 35 fans waited under the upper deck to stay dry. We did find, however, Dick Hall, Larry Sheets, and Dave Boswell signing autographs. Anyone remember them? I remember Sheets. He was a good hitter and now owns that sports place up in Westminster. I know that Dick Hall was a pitcher. I hadn't heard of Dave Boswell, but acquainted myself with his statistics and background the next day on Wikipedia.
Dave Boswell:

Finally game time arrived. All 200 fans rose for the National Anthem. I sat in row 19 in the lower section behind 3rd base. I think there were about 25 people sitting in the entire section. Unfortunately, 4 of them were right in front of me, 4 more were beside me, and 4 more were behind me. For real? All of this empty space and everyone is sitting right around me? I found it no different than being at a sellout back in the 1990's. Remember sellouts at Camden Yards? If you tell young people these days that there were sellouts at Camden Yards - well they won't believe you.
Matt Wieters up to bat:

The 4 guys behind me took it upon themselves to move up to one of the THOUSANDS of empty seats up close. You're not going to believe this - Peter Angelos made the ushers go down to those guys and make them go back to their seats. I kid you not. They were not happy. You'd think that if this game was televised you'd at least want to fill up the seats behind homeplate. Nope.Peter Angelos must want empty seats. Edward Bennett Williams must be screaming in his grave.
Here is a picture of the left-field side, probably about the 3rd inning.
The people in front of us were total clowns. It was 1 guy and 3 ladies. He must have been a salesman because the conversation was small and they seemed to have no interest in the game, let alone any knowledge of baseball - or sports in general. At one point the dude says, "How about that gulf oil spill? That has to be the worst natural disaster ever!" I shook my head in disgust. It's NOT a natural disaster. And he obviously has never read any history. Weren't there a couple of volcanoes (natural disasters) that removed several cities and villages from existance? He must be a product of Baltimore City Public Schools.
The game was fairly uneventful. The Orioles starting pitching did okay, the relief pitching sucked. The hitters mostly sucked. Then in the bottom of the 9th inning with runners on Miguel Tejada got out and the game was over. I guess you can't ask too much of a lying "former" steriod-using cheater. The euphemism in MLB for this kind of player is 'veteran'.
This was actually the big highlight of the game for me:
So the final paid attendance was about 6,000, but I think only about 1200 of them showed-up. I hope the same happens in the general election in the fall. With the liberals being apathetic and the conservatives rallying behind new change, we may actually make some progress in Maryland rather than new and shiny empty rhetoric.
There are still sellouts at Camden yards... Actually the highest attended games in the stadiums history... When the Phillies come to town the place is filled with Red and White
Perfect...OMalley (Mr GAY RIGHTS - Take Away Your License Smoke and Mirrors UNGODLY FILTH in action)...Some churches I have gone to actually had pastors that met with the this UNGODLY FILTH of a human/politician...ANd actually had "hope" the man was/is a man...Come on people the UNGODLY FILTH needs to go go go go go...
And then there is Peter Angelos...A lawyer that robs...he even robbed a once great baseball town of it's baseball diginity...
I could go on...but this broken fallen world needs GOD and Prayer...
So after living in MD my whole life...I moved to VA...
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