Wednesday, July 02, 2008

NAACP Outraged!!!!

Does anyone else see the irony in the fact that the NAACP is outraged over the death of the prisoner in Prince George's County?

First of all, the guy that was arrested was arrested for killing a police officer. If there's one crime that will get you in trouble, it's killing a police officer. You can rape a 6 year old girl, chop up her body and put it in a hole behind your double-wide and you may get life in prison. But you kill a police officer and you're going to get a beat-down and the death penalty, though the death penalty is usually applied years later, not hours later.

Corporal Richard Finley, who will be buried on Thursday, was killed when he was struck by the stolen pick-up truck being driven by Ronnie White. Ronnie White was arrested and was being detained in a prison cell. White was found dead hours later. The medical examiner's report said he died of asphyxiation and strangulation.

Okay, maybe White's civil rights were violated. The NAACP should probably stand up for that reason. We should give more respect to cop-killers. However, WHERE was the NAACP when Zach Sowers was brutally beaten and murdered by the 3 thugs in Baltimore City? Is the NAACP only outraged when black people are murdered? Do they shed no tears when white people are murdered? They are certainly are silent when it comes to white deaths. To me, this bleeds of racism.

And to top it off, the family attorney for White said today, "The family of Ronnie White is absolutely, unequivocally outraged, incensed and deeply saddened that the life of their loved one could be taken so cold[ly], so callously," attorney Bobby Henry told reporters Tuesday. "Something is dreadfully wrong with the system."

The system is broken? So it's okay to kill a cop, but the death of Ronnie is wrong, taken so coldly and callously. As opposed to when Ronnie aimed his vehicle at Officer Finley, ran into him, and killed him. That death was warm and fuzzy, contemplated and planned, with regard to his life, but ultimately opposing the observation of any kind of law. Perhaps if there were stricter gun laws and stricter laws agaisnt stealing cars, this would not have happened.

The Prince George's County Police Department is now accused of being uncooperative and officers are not talking to investigators. So I ask myself, if I worked for Prince George's County Police Department, would I say anything? Hell no!


PZGURU said...

I think I have found a kindred spirit in your blog, and I especially appreciate this post.

I am constantly dumbfounded by the goings-on in this state - mainly the stupidity of the politicians who run it and unfortunately, the people who keep on electing this morons. They refused to let Ehrlich and Grasmick fix Baltimore City schools, but yet they wonder why the City children are illiterate and have a high arrest rate. Duh!
The Democrats have had control of this State for the last 60 years even when Ehrlich was the gov, the Democrats had the overwhelming majority in the legislature. So, why haven't they done anything to fix any of the problems that we face every day, and that only get worse with each passing year? How is it that the Dems can fail so miserably to get MD on the right track, but they keep getting re-elected?

Anyway. I lost my sister to homicide a few years back, and it was horrible. I feel sorry for the family of the police officer who was unjustly killed. It's not fair that he lost his life on account of some stupid thug. Then, for his family to be outraged about his own susequent death rings hollow. I guess we can see how their child grew up so misguided and oblivious to right versus wrong, and having no respect for the law.

Carry on - I will be reading your blog routinely in the future.

Guido said...

It's about time someone has said what so many are thinking!

Has anyone heard any of the White family express any sort of sympathy towards Richard Finley's family or the community?

I'm sick of the race card always being played. Grow up and start realizing that there are consequences for your actions. What on earth did White think the consequences for killing a police officer were, or did he care?

Our prisions should be safe, but from what I read, they are far from it. Our politicians need to start caring about the citizens, instead of being re-elected. It's quite obvious they only care about their own wallets. Who pays their salary, health insurance, and for trips to seminars (joke), the cars and gas they drive daily....we do! Once they are in office, they have proven time and time again, they don't care about those who have elected them.

The white family is only looking for $$$. This is a no win situation. Crimes shouldn't happen in prision and police officers shouldn't have their life taken from them. The Finley family and the community have been changed forever.

The county should counter sue the White family. They have lost a first class employee and all of the expenses, financially and emotionally that go along with that.

Politicians stink. We need a strong and steady message about the consequences of crime. We need to back-up and support our officers. The race issue needs to be silenced once and for all. The minority these days are the caucasians, so give it up. The white people are lacking, in that they should have created their own version of the NAACP to look after their rights.

I teach that if everyone were blind we wouldn't have racism. We wouldn't be able to see what color anyone was.

This is a very sad situation for all! GOD BLESS!

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