And did you know that some parking lot in the city has 4 inches of snow? Had they not informed me of that fact I may have suddenly grown concerned later in the day. How much snow is in that parking lot in the city? Oh, no! Which channel will tell me?
Don't you hate being that person who legitimately needs to go grocery shopping close to the time when it starts snowing? My family needed milk - we drink about 2 gallons per week. After all there are 5 people in my family. My wife left for the grocery store at 9am - just after the 2 oldest kids got on the bus to head to the government-mandated institute of indoctrination. She arrived at Martin's in Eldersburg to find that there were zero parking spots. Zero. None. Nada. What the hell?
Safeway is the next (pardon the pun) safe destination. No one shops at Safeway since they have a delusional pricing system. Seriously. I've seen an ad that said: Coke 12 packs 3 for $12, save $5.99 each! Does the management's office in Safeway have a lot of glass mirrors on the desk?
Anyway - there were no parking spaces at Safeway either. So it was off to Shoppers Food Warehouse. My wife said that there were nearly 10 times as many people in the SFW parking lot than normal. Nearly 15 cars! She saved the day. We got the milk. I suggested to her that if SFW was too crowded to do our grocery shopping at the Exxon Quick Mart.
And what's the deal with snow and toilet paper? Do people poop more when it snows? Which reminds me....I need to go to he little library. I'll be back soon. Have fun in the snow!
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