The closing is officially due to concerns about health and safety in the building. In an article in the Carroll County Times, patrons complained about water leaking fro
I was hoping that Black Oak would let the roof collapse and we could have an outdoor theater. How many open roof theaters are there in the area? I think none!
Additionally, just like the other crumbling buildings in the Carrolltown Center, Black Oak Associates President Dixon Harvey said he has no immediate plans to repair the derelict building and it will remain closed. I love it when my friends come to visit me and they comment about having a ghetto mall in such a nice area of Carroll County. Dixon - can I give them your number every time I get that comment?
No word on the rat problem at the theater either. Perhaps if no one talks about it then it doesn't exist.
Two of the dead trees that face the Eldersburg Library were taken down. Fortunately they didn't remove the stumps and most of the limbs and sticks are still strewn across the parking lot. I would hate to think that Black Oak would spend money and actually hire professionals to do the job. They came through for us and I think they hired the weasels from Who Framed Roger Rabbit to do the tree work.
Despite the fact of the entire demise of the 'movie theater' (?) in Carrolltowne 'Mall' (?) being pathetic, I thoroughly enjoyed the commentary left by the first blogger. Right on!!!!
Despite the fact that the entire subject of the 'movie theater' at Carrolltowne 'Mall' being pathetic, at best, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed reading the comments left by the first blogger. Right on!!!
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