One of the leading Democrats from Maryland, Elijah Cummings, is outraged. He is outraged by the actions of a celebrated American. He said this person needs to do a lot to restore his credibility. This person has disgraced his profession. And now Congressman Cummings is demanding that this person speak to young people about making careless decisions.

Cummings was outraged when Trent Lott flippantly said that we'd be in a better position if we had elected segregationist Democrat Strom Thurmond as President back in the 1940's. But he's not outraged at Reid's statements.
So my conclusion is that if you're a Democrat and you're a racist, Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings will turn a blind eye. If you're a baseball player and you take steroids, Elijah Cummings is outraged.
And if you are a thinking person, you are outraged by Reid, McGwire, and Cummings.
Indeed, though with McGwire, I'm not as outraged 10 years after the fact. That's a big duh. However, I am disappointed by MLB's apathetic and tolerant stance on HGH and steroids.
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