Friday, February 29, 2008

Bad Garage Doors

My neighbors and I have been complaining about this for a couple years now. All of a sudden, no one could use their remote garage door openers. They just stopped working. The hard wired button in the house could open the door, but not the remote. Sometimes I could walk right up to the mechanism pushing the button on the remote and nothing would happen. Other times it worked fine.

Today on, they reported that Aberdeen Proving Ground is jamming the signals for garage doors in the name of national security. Now we all know what happens when rogue garage door openers get on the black market - random garage doors start opening and terrorists start coming into our house to eat our Spagettios.

The story indicates that the Department of Defense owns the frequency and there's nothing you can do about it - basically "Screw you!"

We stopped using our garage as a place to park a cars over a year ago because you could never get in. Now the government is admitting that they are the pestilence of driveways across the nation.

Americans need to stand up to the government and demand their garage door frequencies back! We need a million man march in Washington in the name of garage door remotes! Who's with me?!!!

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