Baseball games can get pretty boring. Thank goodness for drunk people that can help the time go by faster. I took these pictures over a span of about half an hour.
"Yay! We're number 6! And this is my swirly dance!"
"I'm fist-pumping you outfield!"
The Twins....they go like this and like that....
YAY!!! The Twins are only losing by 2 runs now!!!!!
Free bird!!!!!
Hey, Joe Mauer! I'm up here......
Honey, sit down. You're starting to annoy everyone around us.
"When I'm not a drunk Twins fan at an Orioles game, I enjoy Dos Equis."
Who says there's no such thing as a 'Whoo-guy'? Woooo!
Take that Orioles fans!!! The Twins are only losing by one run now!!!! (gotta love his enthusiasm. Or more accurately, gotta love Budweiser's enthusiasm.)
Game over. This is Emimem's brother....Peanut Eminem. "Shut the @#%$*!@ up you drunk Twins fan!!!"
"Yeah! Shut up or I'll come over to your house and play some smooth jazz on my synthesizer!"
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