Friday, June 12, 2009

Letterman Hates Republican Children

My apologies for starting off-topic, but we will lead back into it. I got a response to an older post that I thought was hysterical. Then it kind of got me fired up.

As you may remember in February I posted an article talking about how ridiculous the fee increases were for the Maryland EZ Pass. Four months later I get this comment:

Wow. What a Conservative Republican site this is. Glad you listed all those people you want defeated because I am going to support each and every one of them. Take the “hate” out of your blog and I may return. Be constructive.

A) Yes, this is a conservative Republican blog. Are you surprised to find anti-Democrat statements?

B) This blog is more about humor than anything else. If you don't understand the sarcasm, then obviously this blog is not for you.

C) Hate? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there's 'hate' in my blog. If I disagree with a politician or their actions, I will criticize them. But I don't think it's hate. When I think of hate, I think of James von Brunn who recently shot and killed a security guard at the Holocaust museum in Washington. And don't categorize von Brunn as a right-winger. He's a lunatic. He's as much a part of the right-wing as Joseph Stalin is a part of the "left-wing" with his mass-executions after World War II. Killing Jews and African-Americans is not an acceptable right-wing belief.

If you want to talk about hate, let's talk about David Letterman's relentless attacks on Sarah Palin and her daughters. Yes, Palin's daughter Bristol became pregnant before she got married, leaving egg on the face of the party that preaches abstinence. But it's been nearly a year now. It's not funny anymore.

This week during Letterman's dialog, he was talking about Palin's daughter who recently attended a Yankees game. Letterman said, "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game, during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez." Sarah Palin attended the Yankees game with her 14 year old daughter Willow. She's 14 years old! That's NOT funny. He then tried to make up for it by inviting Sarah Palin on the show. Oh, goody! She can come on the show to see if Letterman will again say that Palin has the "style of a slutty flight attendant"? How can she refuse that offer?

On top of that, Today Show host Matt Lauer interviewed Palin and parts of the conversation are:
Lauer: "it was a joke"... and... "are you suggesting that David Letterman can't be trusted around a 14 year old girl?"

Palin's spokesperson said in a decline of Letterman's invitation to appear on his show, "...Plus it would by wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman." Palin went on to say, "Willow would want to stay away from David Letterman after that comment."

To which Lauer commented, "Isn't that not perhaps, also in bad taste, Governor, that you're suggesting that a 62 year old man can't be trusted?"

What? Are you kidding me? Is Matt Lauer defending Letterman?

Letterman later (2 days later) commented that he thought it was Bristol that was at the Yankees game and the comment was directed at her. Oh, okay. Because he thought that it was Bristol then that comment was totally acceptable? I think not.

There has been some coverage of this, but mostly it's by the right-leaning Fox News Channel. Almost every channel is covering her attack of Letterman. This is additional proof of a double-standard in the liberal media.

Let's turn the this situation around and see if this is funny or even remotely forgivable. Let's say Rush Limbaugh jokes around that former pitcher John Rocker got Sasha Obama pregnant at an Atlanta Braves game. Is this funny? Hell no. And if he did say that there would be a F-in riot. And how is this any different than what Letterman said?

I used to think that Letterman was the funniest guy on TV. Now I think he's just a jerk. Along with Olbermann, they are the worst people in the world.


Margaret said...

Amen to that! The double standards are ridiculous. I stopped watching nbc years ago because of their biased news coverage.

Charm City Kim said...

You've written someone off over one bad joke?

If that's your logic, I should have written you off long ago, my friend. :-)

My issue is this - why are the Palins still such a hot topic? Just like why are turds like Speidi (google them) even newsworthy people? It annoys me beyond belief.

Eludius said...

I'm not writing him off because of one bad joke. He hasn't been funny for a while and his unrelentless attacks on conservatives were wearing thin on me. Even though Leno has never been funny, at least he makes fun of both parties. Letterman has become less balanced as he gets older.

I've never heard of Speidi.

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