Thursday, March 05, 2009

It's The Snow, Stupid

My daughter has once again proven why she is smarter than my wife and me. As you know, it snowed heavily on Sunday night. We got about 6 inches altogether. My children were delighted that school was closed was on Monday. They spent the entire day sledding and playing with friends.

Tuesday was not so great. They only got a 2-hour delay. My daughter was complaining to my wife that it's not fair. My wife told her to look at the bright side. Since they didn't have off of school, they would get out of school a day earlier in June and would get an extra day of swimming. My daughter's comeback: "We can go swimming anytime in the summer. You can't go sledding anytime in the winter."

Ahh! She got us again. She's so right! How many days in the year is there enough snow to go sledding? I'm mean, with global warming frying up the Earth at a dizzying pace, we're lucky that we even get snow, or the 7° days that we've had all week. Why can't we be as smart as our children?

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