Today is President's Day. It's our day to honor Presidents past and present.
I've never met a President, but I have met 3 men who have run for President. I met Ron Paul at a forum at Goucher College in Towson in 2008. The picture here is of him signing books after the event. He must have signed books for two hours because I was near the end of the line and I know I stood about an hour and a half. I would love for Ron Paul to be President. He's the only one that speaks the truth about what it would take for this country to get its economy back on track. He has tremendous support from the youth and military. However, he doesn't get any support from the Christian-right, which is what you need to win the Republican primary election.
I met Newt Gingrich in June of 2005 at a book signing event at the Pikesville Barnes & Noble. He was a lot shorter than I imagined. He wasn't much taller than me, and I'm only about four feet tall. He came with a considerable security detail. I wasn't allowed to take this picture. Someone from his security staff took it for me. Otherwise the picture would have been a little more in focus. He co-wrote a series of historical rewrite fiction about the Civil War. The book signing was for the 2nd in the series. It was an entertaining read, but I never read the 1st or 3rd book in the series. And he was very nice.
I met Ralph Nader in January of 2007. This was a total fluke. We had stopped in the Barnes & Noble in White Marsh to get a present for a friend's child. I saw a lot of people standing in line and I asked an employee what was going on. He said that Ralph Nader was signing books. "The Ralph Nader?" I asked. He confirmed, so I ran out to my car, got my camera, bought his book, and got in line. He's a lot like you would imagine. A little disheveled. His face gave the impression that his mind was going a million miles per second. I'm sure he's a brilliant man. And his book was interesting, too.
So here's to the men that were President and to the men who will never be President.
Ron Paul:
Newt Gingrich:

Ralph Nader:

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