We started last Saturday with a huge snowstorm - the most snow in the history of the state of Maryland according to Governor Martin O'Malley - despite the fact that we got more snow in the 2003 President's Day Blizzard. But then again, Martin O'Malley wasn't Governor then. He was slummin' it as the Mayor of Baltimore back when homicides were at their highest. Give credit to Sheila Dixon - murders dropped on her watch. Marty - why were there so many murders during your tenure as mayor???
In an unprecedented occurrence, another blizzard hit Maryland 4 days later. Was this another record for Maryland? Martin O'Malley gave the rhetoric - "we're moving forward. We are using our resources to effectively help the citizens of Maryland during this trying time. Blah-blah. Blah-blah-bla." Did you notice that the members of his administration were wearing really big boots while he was giving his speech? I think there's more on the ground than snow.
On the other hand, new mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is telling it like it is. When asked if side streets will be plowed soon, she replied 'not a chance'. You can dislike being stuck on a side-street, but you have to respect her honesty. I'm pulling for you, SRB!
Meanwhile, in my neighborhood, we went 2 days before being plowed out from the first snowstorm. I called the county and asked when we would get plowed and was told that most of the snow removal equipment was broken because the snow was so deep and heavy. Finally on Monday night I see this GIANT front-end loader pushing a mound of snow larger than several of my Honda Pilots.
Then the second storm hit. I heard that Martin O'Malley instructed Carroll County to not plow my neighborhood until tonight (almost 4 days after the storm) because he doesn't like the honesty of my blog. So at 8:45 tonight a plow FINALLY went down my street. However, it's been nearly 4 days and the street is nearly 8 inches of packed ice. Additionally. it's now in the 20's so the snow is now ice. The plows coming through had the same effect as me using a butter knife to slice ice cubes. It just didn't work. Do you think they'll come back tomorrow?
So as we look out our windows tonight with the Olympics blaring on our televisions, we hear news of another snow storm on the heels of our progress. Global warming experts are shifting their logic to say, 'global warming will cause it to be colder and snowier. It's common sense!' I don't know who to believe. The only thing I know is that my arm still hurts from shoveling snow and I'm tired.
Mother Nature - can you give us a break for a while? Please?
Wuss, haven't the people in your q-munity ever heard of digging themselves out.
We dug ourselves out, here.
BTW, I can't see you as a Honda Pilot sort of person. I'm thinking Tahoe or Expedition. Unfortunately, if you want to go through snow like this, you need a Jeep Rubicon. Trust me. Just start it and drive.
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