I am totally confused about this election. How about you?
Here are the results:
Virginia - Republican Robert McDonnell crushed his Democratic challenger with McDonnell receiving 59% of the vote compared to Creigh Deeds 41%. Additionally, Republicans won big in Virginia's House of Delegates, gaining 6 seats.
New Jersey - a closer race, but John Corzine, best known for his high-speed accident where he wasn't wearing a seat belt, lost his reelection bid to Republican challenger Chris Christie, 49% to 45%. New Jersey is a normally liberal Democrat state and Christie is the first Republican to win the election to live in the big house in Trenton since Christine Todd Whitman, who left in 2001.
New York - 23rd Congressional District - Democrat Bill Owens defeated come-lately Conservative candidate Doug Hoffman. The race was significant because moderately liberal Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava dropped out of the race with low polling numbers, though there is a rumor that members of Tammany Hall met her in an alley with lead pipes in their hands and a deal she couldn't refuse.
Also in New York, sort-of-Republican, sort-of-Independent Michael Bloomberg bought another election, this time by eliminating the restriction on being able to run for a third-term.
Elsewhere - Houston, Boston, & Atlanta all look to elect Democrats, but that's no surprise.
Maine - Maine rejected same-sex marriages, but voted yes for smoking pot. Here's to heterosexuals smoking dope!!!
So how does this all vet out in the press? From what I'm reading it appears most of the liberal press are saying that the results are an endorsement of President Obama's radical socialists policies and a mandate for more. I don't get it.
On the other hand, Republicans are claiming a victory in New York's 23rd because they chased out the liberal Republican. How is losing a seat to the Democrats a victory? I don't get it.
This off-cycle election probably shouldn't have too much impact on the state of the country, whether it be the economy or politics. I think that Virginia and New Jersey, despite MSNBC and CNN's declaration of an Obama endorsement, voters and tax-payers are saying that if they can't stop the liberal agenda, they were going to set in place some balance to the so-called mandate.
I think the bigger election will be in 2010 and if things continue at their present pace, the Democrats will get their ass kicked. I don't think either party deserves an overwhelming majority in any elected office. Too much power turns both parties into a bunch of asses. We'll see how it turns out. But someone please help me explain the press' proclamations!